Our Educational Approach

  • Lower Elementary: Reception - 1st grade

    The academic program at ABC Christian Academy focuses on the core subject areas of English/Language Arts, Mathematics, Social Studies, Science, and Bible.

  • Upper Elementary: 2nd - 5th grade

    We use the American System in how we choose to order our grades and classes. Middle School is part of the "Upper School" program at the ABC Christian Academy. Middle school is by definition grades 6th, 7th, and 8th grade. Grade 6 may be a self-contained classroom with one teacher or in the rotation depending of scheduling and teacher availability.

  • Upper School: 6th - 12th grade

    ABC Christian Academy is excited to offer the community of Lilongwe a comprehensive high school program based on the American system of study. Our small classes give students the focused time of professional and caring Christian teachers.


The academic program at ABC Christian Academy focuses on the core subject areas of English/Language Arts, Mathematics, Social Studies, Science, and Bible. God has blessed the school with the personnel and facilities to offer our students balance and enrichment through our Specials classes throughout the week. Each and every student in Grades R-6 is out of their classroom at least once a day with our various Specials teachers.

Library– Each class goes to the library weekly to exchange books and take Accelerated Reading tests.  Drop by with your child for library and listen to the librarian read through a book to the class.

Computers– At the computer lab, students become familiar with how to use PCs, begin learning skills like typing, and work towards competency in the use of the internet and productivity software.

Physical Education– Our PE teachers help the students learn the rules and techniques of various sports throughout the year while also working on general physical fitness and healthy habits.

Music– Each class goes to music during the week in order to learn basic music theory and worship songs.  Grade 3 students learn how to play short pieces on the recorder and drums.

Art– The students complete various projects throughout the year, becoming familiar with different mediums and techniques of visual art.

The Specials provide our students with a diverse set of learning opportunities which seeks to enhance their well-rounded education.


We build future leaders

Upper Elementary

We use the American System in how we choose to order our grades and classes. Middle School is part of the "Upper School" program at the ABC Christian Academy. Middle school is by definition grades 6th, 7th, and 8th grade. Grade 6 may be a self-contained classroom with one teacher or in the rotation depending of scheduling and teacher availability. Classes include Language arts (English and Literature), Math, History/Geography, Bible, Art/Various Electives (as available), P.E., Computer, Science /Health, Spanish, Drama, and weekly Chapel. Students traditionally read 6-8 novels a year and study content accordingly as a class. We have an excellent Science lab for science courses and offer MAP testing to keep our standards competitive with other International and American Schools.


Helping every child develop their unique purpose

Upper School

ABC Christian Academy is excited to offer the community of Lilongwe a comprehensive high school program based on the American system of study. Our small classes give students the focused time of professional and caring Christian teachers.

The academics at ABC Christian Academy offers a college preparatory program from an Evangelical Christian perspective. We have great facilities, highlighted by our science lab, computer lab, and classrooms providing an environment conducive to learning. The texts and curriculum have been carefully chosen to provide our students with well-balanced and challenging material. We have committed teachers who care for their students, challenge them to think deeply, and plan lessons/activities that help students master the material.


The American system differs from the British system in a few key ways. The most obvious is that our academic program is based on the successful completion of modular courses instead of the successful completion of standardized tests. The British system is based on preparation for large summative exams at the end of set periods of time (for example, grades 9-10 IGCSE and grades 11-12 A-levels or IB). Our school has established a set of Graduation Requirements that include both required and elective courses that conform to those of almost any high school in America (or international school using the American system). These courses are chosen in order to fully prepare students for their studies in university.

You may ask if there are any outside, objective measures given in the form of a standardized exam. Yes, the SAT. This internationally recognized exam is taken by thousands of students around the world each year, and is used by universities to determine a student’s readiness and potential for university study. A student’s score on this exam, along with their American high school diploma, are the two keys for college admission. 

Graduation Requirements


Course Descriptions


Upper School Schedule


Athletics & Preforming Arts

Academic Calendar